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dc.contributor.authorRashid, Reem Mahmoud
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to know the natural crises that the countries of the Middle Maghreb witnessed in the Ziani-an era and how they affected the economic and demographic aspects, and to know its consequences, in a modest attempt to enrich the historical library with a new study on the impact of diseases and epidemics on the society of the Middle Maghreb, to be added to previous studies in the same field. This research adopted the descriptive historical method that lists the facts and describes the situations and events experienced by societies experience during the various crises, and also used the deductive approach drawing the various crises, also the deductive method was used to draw conclusions. Where the study showed the importance of the history of crises and natural disasters, such as diseases and epidemics due to their direct impact on the population, and also showed the great danger they pose to the lives of people in the Central Maghreb region, especially, over long periods of time it has been exposed several times to the risk of these disasters raiding it, due to the negative consequences of their spread, and the study also reached to a conclusion that the causes that lead to the occurrence of such crises varied between human and natural causes related to climate fluctuations. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة الأزمات الطبيعية التي شهدتها بلاد المغرب الأوسط في العصر الزياني وكيف أثرت على الجانبين الاقتصادي والديموغرافي، ومعرفة النتائج المترتبة عنها، في محاولة متواضعة لإثراء المكتبة التاريخية بدراسة جديدة حول تأثير الأمراض والأوبئة بمجتمع المغرب الأوسط، تضاف إلى الدراسات السابقة في المجال نفسه. هذا البحث اعتمد المنهج التاريخي الوصفي الذي يسرد الوقائع ويصف الحالات والأحداث التي تعيشها المجتمعات أثناء الأزمات المختلفة، كما استعمل المنهج الاستنتاجي في استخلاص النتائج، حيثen
dc.publisherAl-Mukhtar Journal of Social Scienceen
dc.subjectCrises, diseases, consequences, epidemics, causes, disastersen
dc.subjectالأزمات، الأمراض، النتائج، الأوبئة، الأسباب، الكوارثen
dc.titleDiseases and Epidemics and Their Impact on the Zayyanid Society in Central Morocco during the Seventh Century AH / Thirteenth Century ADen
dc.title.alternativeالأمراض والأوبئة وأثرهما على مجتمع المغرب الأوسط الزياني خلال القرن السابع الهجري/الثالث عشر الميلاديen

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