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dc.contributor.authorمحمـد, ولـيـد صـالـح
dc.description.abstractThe third crusade (1189 – 1192 AD / 585 – 588 Hijra) is considered as one the imperialistic stages of the cruciferous of West European Imperialism that carried out in Islamic Arabic lands in order to perform its aims and greed by armed attacks on these lands, using religion as slogan and cover the thing which became a challenge to be confronted. For this reason and importance we have chosen this campaign to recognize its motives and real causes as well as its results and effects on the relationship between the East and west. Moreover the researcher's desire to plunging in the mid-history in general and the third crusade in particular, and also to be as a humble seed to enrich the Libyan and Arabic library provided that gate to be opened for the researchers who are eager to expanding and searching for farther information. Among the drawbacks and obstacles that we had was that searching for the sources, references and studies related to this campaign for not being available in our libraries. We did our best to obtain them from the neighboring countries. The study has required to be divided into four chapters as well as the introduction and the conclusion. Chapter one, which was entitled the public political situations just before the third crusade campaign, comprises two objects of research – the first to elaborate the political situation in the Islamic Orient just before the third crusade campaign – the second, which entitled the third crusade on the sacred lands, is divided into three sections – the first section is allocated of the reasons of the campaign – the second undertakes the role of papacy in incitement for the campaign – the third section is allocated to search the course of the campaign from the crusade west to the Islamic lands. The third chapter, which is entitled the conflict between Muslims and the Crusades – From the siege of Acre to the piece making (conciliation) of Al Ramla (585 – 588 Hijra / 1189 – 1192 AD). This involves two objects of research – the first undertakes the crusade siege of Acre – the second focuses on the conflict between Sultan Saladin and Richard the heart of the lion and its reasons. Chapter four (the final one), which is entitled the results and effects of the third crusade campaign, comprises two objects of research – the first undertakes the results of the third crusade campaign on the Islam and Christianity Worlds – the second undertakes the effects of the third crusade campaign on the political, military, economic, social and religious relationship between the East and the West.en
dc.publisherجامعة عمر المختارen
dc.titleالحملة الصليبية الثالثة وأثرها على العلاقات بين الشرق والغرب ( 1189 – 1192 م / 585 – 588 هـ )en

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