Now showing items 121-124 of 124
The Significance of Place in the Novel "Zarayib Al-Abid" by the Novelist Najwa Ben Shtawan
(Al-Mukhtar Journal of Social Science, 2021-03-31)
The Arab intellectual thought has not been devoid of this tendency - the tendency of place. With the evolu-tion of literature, the concept of place has also become more personalized than before. The aim of the re-search ...
The Aesthetics of Garden Pottery and Its Connection to the Surrounding Environment in Light of Modern Artistic Trends
(Al-Mukhtar Journal of Social Science, 2021-03-31)
This study aimed to highlight ceramic products in gardens and emphasize the versatility of ceramic uses. Additionally, it aimed to create ceramic works suitable for gardens from a practical perspective at a high level, ...
Greek and Roman Amphitheaters (An Overview)
(Al-Mukhtar Journal of Social Science, 2021-03-31)
This research aims to provide a general idea about Greek, Hellenistic, and Roman amphitheaters through a practical study conducted on a group of amphitheaters found in social media platforms. The study sheds light on the ...
تحليل محتوى كتاب العلوم للصف الرابع من التعليم الأساسي بليبيا في ضوء معايير دراسة التوجهات الدولية للرياضيات والعلوم (TIMSS- 2015)
(Al-Mukhtar Journal of Social Science, 2021-03-31)
هدفت الدراسة الحالية إلى تحليل المحتوى لكتاب علوم الصف الرابع الأساسي بليبيا في ضوء معايير (TIMSS- 2015)، استخدم الباحث المنهج الوصفي من خلال أسلوب تحليل المحتوى، وتكوّن مجتمع وعينة الدراسة من كل موضوعات كتاب تلميذ الصف ...