Now showing items 1-10 of 16
Archaeological sites outside the walls of Ptolemais
(Omar al-Mukhtar University - Al-Mukhtar Journal of Social Science, 2010-03-30)
The city of Ptolemais was founded, according to available classical sources, as a port for the city of Cyrene. No name for this settlement is known prior to the 4th century BCE when it was referred to as the port of Cyrene, ...
Decrease in the area of natural vegetation in southeastern Jabal Al Akhdar
(Omar al-Mukhtar University - Al-Mukhtar Journal of Social Science, 2010-03-30)
The natural vegetation cover in the southeast of the Green Mountain is experiencing a significant decline in its area, leading to environmental imbalance and widespread desertification. Through the analysis of two satellite ...
((other than)) the negation that occurs in adverb
(Omar al-Mukhtar University - Al-Mukhtar Journal of Social Science, 2010-03-30)
The term "غير" (other than) has been presented in the context of linguistic research, like other words, taking on various forms and aspects that vary in terms of prevalence and extension based on a sample survey of Arabic ...
Basic learning in the city of Al-Bayda: A study in the geography of services
(Omar al-Mukhtar University - Al-Mukhtar Journal of Social Science, 2010-03-30)
The subject of this study revolves around the geography of educational services in the city of Al-Bayda. It will focus on the primary education stage within the city. This topic falls within the realm of geographic services, ...
Ain Ziana in the Benghazi Plain, water budget and investment potential
(Omar al-Mukhtar University - Al-Mukhtar Journal of Social Science, 2010-03-30)
The environmental situation in the semi-arid lands between Al-Uqaylah and Benghazi, characterized by the spread of salt flats along the coasts, contamination of groundwater with seawater, deterioration of vegetation cover, ...
Ancient Libyan language and writing
(Omar al-Mukhtar University - Al-Mukhtar Journal of Social Science, 2010-03-30)
The Libyan language is part of the Afro-Asiatic language family, sharing this classification with Ancient Egyptian and Kushitic languages. Unfortunately, this language lacks literary documentation, making re-search on it ...
Denotations of relative Clause In the plays of Seneca A Linguistic Study
(Omar al-Mukhtar University - Al-Mukhtar Journal of Social Science, 2010-03-30)
There is no disagreement that the relative clause "R.C.L." is one of the linguistic phenomena in Latin grammatical lessons, similar to conditional, purpose, result, or cause clauses. It is a first-grade subordinate clause ...
Sources of Ibn Masarra’s Sufi experience
(Omar al-Mukhtar University - Al-Mukhtar Journal of Social Science, 2010-03-30)
The fate of Ibn Masarra's Sufi philosophy was not better than that of those who preceded him or came after him in the Islamic intellectual revival, such as the Mu'tazilites, the heretical ascetics (as they were called), ...
The Individual and Structural Connotations of Nouns
(Omar al-Mukhtar University - Al-Mukhtar Journal of Social Science, 2010-12-30)
The noun possesses a set of characteristics and features that distinguish it from its two parts of the word (verb and letter). For every meaningful expression, the noun is essential, and meaning cannot be conveyed without ...
Integration between the Role of Social Worker and Psychologist in the Educational Field
(Omar al-Mukhtar University - Al-Mukhtar Journal of Social Science, 2010-12-30)
The disciplines of social work and psychology play pivotal roles in educational settings, being inherently involved in the identification and fulfillment of students' specific needs through systematic methodologies and ...